Can Orthodontics Fix Facial Asymmetry?

Did you know that your smile is the first thing most people notice about you? It can define your personality and even affect how you carry yourself. At Daniel & Jones Orthodontics, we believe you should love your smile! Your smile affects the symmetry of your face, which can determine whether you are outgoing and speak up for yourself and how you position yourself in photographs and interviews. For some people, asymmetry can even cause pain in the jaw and head. 

At our offices in Little Rock, Bryant, and Benton, we know that having an asymmetrical face and smile can affect your confidence and oral and overall health. We are passionate about helping you get a symmetrical face and smile that will leave you feeling radiant and healthy. Let’s look at the relationship between your facial symmetry and the ways orthodontic treatment can fix your smile and your confidence. 

What are the causes of facial asymmetry?

You may think that if you managed to make it to adulthood with a pretty symmetrical face, you’re in the clear. While that is typically true, and while your bones are no longer growing, your cartilage is still growing, altering your facial symmetry as you age. But there are other reasons you may find yourself dealing with asymmetry that you may not have thought about in addition to genetics and aging, such as uneven muscles, accidents, and infections. 

There are also severe health concerns that can cause facial asymmetry. Bell’s Palsy is a viral infection that causes facial paralysis of the muscles on one side of your face. Another less common condition is called Torticollis, or “twisted neck,” which causes your neck muscles to rest in an abnormal position and result in facial asymmetry. This usually only occurs in the womb, and both of these conditions are generally temporary.

What are the side effects of facial asymmetry?

Studies have found that the symmetry of a person’s face can affect how attractive they are to others and that humans usually prefer a more symmetrical look. While nobody has perfect facial balance, there are cases where your asymmetry may be more than just an aesthetic issue. Facial asymmetry can disrupt the way you speak and eat and even cause jaw or head pains when it comes to functionality. 

In some patients at Daniel & Jones Orthodontics, facial asymmetry is a symptom or side effect of an underlying and undiagnosed issue like sleep apnea or a TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder. These conditions can have a much more drastic impact on your health than just a crooked smile. Our experienced team can provide specialized care for your unique needs to give you the smile you deserve. 

How can orthodontics help?

If you have issues with facial asymmetry, there’s a good chance you already know about it and have wondered what you can do. Luckily, our orthodontic experts and their skilled team have plenty of experience in correcting facial asymmetry with advanced options. We can evaluate the relationship between your facial features and your oral health to create a treatment plan that best fits your needs! Let’s take a closer look at a few ways we can help.

Jaw surgery

In the past, the most common and best-practiced solution to facial asymmetry was jaw surgery or orthognathic surgery. We reserve that procedure for extreme cases and patients who are not likely to see adequate results from orthodontic treatments like braces. Replacement is the best solution for some issues with replacement, such as implants and dental bridges.

Orthodontic treatment

For cases that are considered typical or mild, Dr. Daniel and Dr. Jones can utilize traditional braces or even clear aligners like Invisalign to correct your symmetry. Don’t let the prospect of braces be discouraging, though. Modern technology has made metal braces much smaller and more comfortable to wear. You can even personalize them with colored elastic bands to make the process more fun. For those looking for the benefits of traditional braces without the appearance of metal braces, clear and ceramic braces provide a clear or tooth-colored option that makes your orthodontic treatment a bit more inconspicuous. 

Palatal expander

A palatal expander is another orthodontic treatment option in situations where the facial asymmetry is caused by an upper jaw that is too small. At Daniel & Jones Orthodontics, palatal expanders are high-grade metal bands attached to corresponding molars and joined high in the center of the roof of the mouth by a screw. This appliance is tightened at the screw with a special key daily to slowly and carefully expand the upper palate to create the desired symmetry. 

In most cases, we can resolve facial asymmetry with non-invasive treatments. Utilizing modern orthodontics can help you get the smile you deserve efficiently and on your budget. Can Orthodontics Fix Facial Asymmetry?

Visit Daniel & Jones Orthodontics for an aesthetic AND functional smile

You only get one smile, and you can trust Dr. Daniel and Dr. Jones to give you the care you deserve. Our Daniel & Jones Orthodontics team is knowledgeable, friendly, and eager to guide you through your orthodontic process.

Our dedication to our patients throughout Little Rock, Bryant, and Benton shines through our exceptional and individualized care. We pride ourselves on staying up-to-date on the latest orthodontic treatments and technologies. Our office is located right in the heart of the city, so your orthodontic care is close to home, school, and work. When you’re ready to start your orthodontic journey to facial symmetry, our expert team is ready to help. Schedule your FREE consultation today!